Thursday, January 07, 2010


Today I met someone who lives in Las Vegas and likes Cormac McCarthy. I thought this might not ever happen and that I truly was in an intellectual wasteland.

Yesterday, a Facebook friend; truly a friend of a friend of real friend, wrote me about her love for McCarthy's writing despite reading a certain depressing book that is quite popular right now.

Now, I still need to work on a few misguided people that will eventually realize the error of their ways.

And, in an unintentional vindication of other sorts...a friend shared a random newspaper clipping about the film version of The Road with me recently where I learned a fascinating fact. Can anyone guess which Appalachian Trail-notorious state is featured in the film's post-apocalyptic scenes of dystopian despair? If you guessed Pennsylvania, you are correct. How hilariously awesome is that?? Read the trail shelter registers just out of Palmerton, Port Clinton, and Boiling Springs circa own personal triumph of the human will.

1 comment:

Lone Wolf (AT '99) said...

You were so insanely depressed in PA. Remember the guy from Malta that proposed to you in Palmerton? Good thing we had the JAIL to go back and crash at after all that crappy Yuengling. Good times, Cross Country, good times.