Tonight we were looking up sport utility bikes (SUB) inspired by third world hauling bikes and wound up stumbling across this really cool idea for producing clean filtered water: the Aquaduct. Check it out:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Power of the Pedal
Posted by
7:42 PM
Labels: cool ideas, cycling, environmentalism
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A review of "No End In Sight"
Even though I try, I am not as familiar with the details of the Iraq War as I really should be. I saw this film was critically-acclaimed and I thought I’d check it out. If you have one hour and forty minutes to dedicate to one of the most important world events affecting our country, than this a well-organized, well-directed documentary that will explain step by step just how we got into the war and who the key players were in the process. Stop reading this and go get the movie now.
Not only is this an informative film that presents lots of points of view, but it underlines the fact that despite all the horrific mistakes made in the progress towards war that there were many people that tried their best and failed to save the country of Iraq. This only makes what we know today about the situation even more tragic. I could hardly bear parts of this film (the looting of the national museum and the burning of the national library as America stood by and watched was painful to see and the way Iraqis were treated as they were round up and arrested by our troops was particularly disturbing).
I’d love to get five minutes alone with Bush or Cheney or Rumsfeld to give them a piece of my mind. I’d also like to sit down with an Iraqi to try to explain that not all Americans supported these actions and somehow apologize for the arrogance of my country. Until then, get this movie and get angry, it is the best possible thing we can all do for our country.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hereby Resolved
So, back around the New Year I proclaimed that our trip back to Wisconsin and to Taos, NM had taught me that things change everywhere and that I needed to not be hung up on all the places in the world that I could be, rather focus on the place I am. So, it is hereby resolved that for every complaint about living in Las Vegas that I make on this blog from here on out must be matched by TWO positive comments or observations. So, here goes....
First, my weird, bizarro drive to work today (the negative): As I crossed Valley View and drove east on Desert Inn over the I-15, there was a bunch of honking and red break lights, so I slowed down. Much to my surprise there was a crazy man throwing rocks at cars, flipping off drivers, and flinging a car bumper around in the middle of the right lane. Hmmm...not sure what the story is with that...but maybe he was having a hard day. I do not want to become that crazy man- so here are my two positive comments, as promised.
The first positive thing is my discovery of the Very Vintage Vegas web site. Not only is this blog the work of Jack Levine ("Uncle Jack"), an friendly and engaged Las Vegas community member, the site is the source for real estate showcasing Mid Modern architecture and the downtown arts community. A sampling of recent posts covers historic preservation, local authors, worst MLS photo of the day, and even dogs! Fabulous. This is a true community resource and I think I know where I can finally put my house-hunting energy.
The second great thing about Las Vegas that I really need to highlight is the Las Vegas Springs Preserve, which is just a superb new environmental education center with tons of interactive exhibits, botanical gardens, and walking paths. They also have a great website. Just go there, really!
Last weekend, I also was invited to a Bunco party. Not something I had ever experienced before but the fast-paced dice game, with lots of mingling, good food and wine, and constant laughter made this a really fun night. While I'm not a permanent member of the club, I just subbed for the night, I will be glad to provide my services any time in the future- especially since I left a winner!!
...By the way, that's THREE positive things...this isn't as hard as I thought!
Posted by
8:10 PM
Labels: vegas updates