Saturday, July 26, 2008

Watch This!

by Todd Haynes

Maybe if you don’t recognize Bob Dylan as a singularly important musician and artist, then maybe you wouldn’t get much out of this film. But I sat down and thought about it and I don’t really take anyone’s opinion too seriously who falls in that category.

So, for the rest of you…Get this movie and watch it. It is so smart that you will ask yourself, what the heck have I been watching the whole rest of the time? The film asks a question and then proceeds to challenge you to answer it. Who was Dylan? Well, who do YOU think he was? The impact of your answer and everyone else’s answers makes up the meat of the film. Of course, the music is great and the acting is awesome. Cate Blanchett is incredible and the movie is worth seeing just for her performance. Mostly, I think people should see movies, every once in a while, that mess a bit with your head and stick with you. I’m Not There is one of the rare films that fits the bill.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tribute to a Great Griller!

Ron at the Tiki Table
Originally uploaded by zenhikers
I just want to say to congratulations to my father-in-law, Ron who was recently recognized by the Milwaukee Journal -Sentinel for his entry in the Milwaukee Grills competition. Ron and his wife Bonnie have hosted us numerous times for a grillout at their lovely home in South Milwaukee and it makes me homesick for Wisconsin just to think of the good times.

Ron's recipes are always good. So good that he has compiled a family cookbook to share with us all and to preserve some of the family recipes handed down over the years. In the Wieselman family Ron is responsible for the cooking and Bonnie handles the baking, so the two are a perfect pair constantly tempting our tastebuds! The featured recipe Ron was honored for is his Chuck on the Grill, so check it out and throw something you like on the barbie. There is no better way to relax and enjoy some quality time with good people. My husband has the Wieselman genes for talented grilling and I plan to challenge him to replicate this recipe this weekend. The thing gotta put that extra ingredient that makes the difference. No, it's not beer (although that always helps) --it's the pinch of love for family and friends that makes Ron and Bonnie's cooking really special. Love you guys!